And I'm addicted
to this

with a little bit of this mixed in

I'm at at least one cup a day and I'm really not sure where my limits are.
My swap partner sent me the tea and wrote in her note that she really liked it sweetened and with some milk stirred in. I've never had hot tea with cream so I gave it a try. The rest is history. I picked up a box of Tazo Berryblossom White tea yesterday at Starbucks and am excited to give it a try too. I'm trying to kick soda out of my diet so the sweet flavors of this caffeine free tea are a great replacement.
I went to church this morning and helped with Children's church. My parent's teach the 4-7 year olds, these kids are a hoot! We learned about the prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah and the kids had a good time answering all the questions.
There's one kid that worries me though. My mom has told me before that he usually has a hard time speaking and his eyes are usually glazed over. She's says that it seems like he's doped up on cough syrup or something. He sat by me this morning and there's definitely something going on. It always breaks my heart when I'm around children that are likely being mistreated. I wish I could just rescue them all.
We got home from church and Bailey had fallen asleep in the car so I made the sacrifice to go ahead and take a nap with her. She's best little cuddler and we got a good 2 hour nap in. My sis Tarra went out last night so I babysat, Bailey tossed and turned all night long so the nap was greatly appreciated!
The weather is beautiful today so I'm headed outside to pull some of the dead flowers from last fall out of the planters. Matt's coming over tomorrow to till my garden one more time then I'll put the onions and potatoes in the ground. Can't wait to get it all underway.
Here's how my seedlings are doing
How has your weekend been?
Hello, I'm Whitney. I'm also addicted! :)
Glad to know I'm not the only one!!!!
I am beyond jealous that you're already able to start planting! We usually can't begin until at least May:( the weather here is such a pain sometimes!
Holy cow.... look how tall those are! I can't wait to see your garden all planted and pretty!
I love the tazo teas!!! Sooooo Good!!!!!
I love your plants. I someday hope to have a wonderful garden. I really want to grow black berrys... There is nothing better then a home grown blackberry!
I tried the Tazo Chai tea once and it just wasn't the same as how they make it at Starbucks. I'm not sure why.
Hi there! So glad you found my blog - I couldn't remember if I sent you the link or not. I'm still gathering all of your things - can't wait to get them to you! Hope you're having a fantastic day!
Hi there! Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for entering my giveaway!
Poor kid... I truly hope he's not being drugged up.
Good luck w/ur garden. When it's ready can I get some veggies?
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