Friday, November 20, 2009


Last night my sister Tarra and I got to see New Moon at midnight.
Talk about amazing! I loved it. The quality of the film was much improved over Twilight and the acting was exceptional. I also thought New Moon had more comedic moments that Twilight did. It also did a great job of depicting the emotions of the characters. I teared up during the goodbye scene and could hear sniffling throughout the theater.

I am definitely back in the "Twilight" craze and can't quit thinking about it all. I'm going to try to re-read the books over Christmas break because I read through them so fast the first time. I'm obsessed all over again.

Now, the countdown is on for June 30, 2010 when "Eclipse", the third book in the series comes out. Eeee I can't wait!

Any fellow, Twihards out there that have seen the movie or have plans to? What did you think?


SarahEileen said...

I'm going next week when I'm home for Thanksgiving. I'm so excited and have been in Twilight mode for weeks now. I busted out the books again and the soundtrack from the last movie. *sigh*

ae said...

I have not joined the twilight craze but ALL of my friends have and they all think I am crazy for not liking it:)

Hannah said...

I'm going to see it next Friday with my Twi-hard buddy in Oklahoma!

Shoshanah said...

I do think this one was better than the first. And now I definitely want to start rereading my Twilight books again as well

Cary Dale Taylor said...

LOVED it and agree with you on everything. I wish that Alice's vision of Bella as a vamp wasn't so cheesy...but that is the only bad thing. I have read the series 2xs and think I'll read it again. Counting down days till 6-30-2010.